The Slippery Measurement System Paradox
1. Background
This article is about the need to clarify how to proceed when Measurement System
Analysis (MSA for short) is necessary, parts from the process have to be measured and chosen
to run the MSA, and no other measurement system is available apart from the one that is
going to be evaluated.
Some authors and manuals set up criteria on how to select units from the process to
run the MSA. Some of them just say they have to cover most of the actual range, some specify
units have to represent at least 80% of current range of the process, some others establish
100% of either the range or the tolerance width, depending on the purpose of the
Measurement System. All these empirical rules have the same concept behind. Units/parts to
be selected, have to be representative of the process that is going to be measured. MSA
techniques such as Gage R&R compares uncertainty from Measurement System to the
variability of units themselves.
It has to be said that there is no good or bad measurement system, it is acceptable or
not acceptable to measure the characteristic we need to measure. All Measurement Systems
have uncertainty. The only thing that MSA techniques do is to determine if that uncertainty is
small enough to be dismissed in comparison to parts variation.
Doubts about if we are proceeding correctly then come up immediately. If we have to
select parts/units from the process in a way that they are going to be representative of it, and
we only have the Measurement System (MS for short) that is going to be evaluated, how do
we know that the parts are selected correctly? Moreover, and the most important question, if
the MS is not acceptable and we do not know it yet, is it possible that the
result of the analysis would tell us MS is acceptable and the reality would be that it is not at all?
Within the next lines of this text, we are going to explain that the above situation is
indeed a paradox, which means, it cannot happen. We are going to argue and demonstrate
that it is not possible to select parts with an unacceptable MS in a way that the MSA would tell
us to accept that MS.
2. The paradox argument
There are several mathematical expressions to compare MS uncertainty to
parts variation. The most used are:
The acceptance criteria is:
% Study Variation < 10%
% Contribution < 1%
% Tolerance < 10%
Number of distinct categories ≥ 14
Please note that acceptance criteria can vary among different uses and organizations.
Here we show typical values.
Let us look at equation (1) and imagine we are using a MS, which is not acceptable in
comparison to parts variation. We know that:
We can say that in an unacceptable MS, the variation due to the MS itself (Gage) would be big in
comparison to parts variation and thus, it would be a big proportion of the total as well. This
last statement is the key of what could not happen if we use a MS not acceptable. The range
measured, and therefore the variation, during parts selection process, would behave as
equation (5) shows. Therefore, the only thing that may happen is to select parts smaller than
the range of the process and not meeting what the practical rules recommend. That would
imply the variation of the Gage would be even a bigger proportion of the whole variation. The
conclusion driven by equations (1) to (4) and their respective acceptance criteria is that the MS
would be not acceptable as it actually is.
Based on previous argument, we can also state that MS cannot be accepted when it is
not acceptable as it is not a possible situation, thus a paradox.
3. Discussion and Conclusions
We have demonstrate in a simple way that a MS cannot be evaluated as good when it
has a big uncertainty when using Gage R&R techniques.
Main conclusion is that when we need to analyze and evaluate a MS and parts/units
have to selected, we can use the same MS for the selection.
The risk of evaluating a not acceptable MS as acceptable does not exist based on “the
Slippery Measurement System Paradox”.